Is it possible to edit code opened through Quick Definition, please?

When I opend a method in my project through Qucik Definition it gives mea pop-up with its code but when I try to edit it I get a message it's read only. There's a three dots button in the top right which is apparently supposed to open some menu too but this doesn't work for me, no menu shows up.

Please, is there some way to edit the code quickly like this?


Thank you for contacting Rider Support.

This feature is not yet implemented, so you can't edit the code shown in the Quick Definition tooltip. However, we have a corresponding issue on our bug tracker We would appreciate it if you would upvote the issue in order to demonstrate additional interest and bring increased awareness to the issue.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask. Have a great day!

Ivan Skorikov Thank you very much, I upvoted the issue though considering it's been years since it's proposal I won't be expecting much :D.

Have a nice day!


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