Rider does not detect Unity Mono Install
I don't have autocomplete in Unity3d project. I think it doesn't work because it can't detect Mono from Unity3d.
I get this error:
"Rider was unable to detect a Mono runtime on this machine.
We strongly recommend to install the latest version of Mono."
I tried setting the mono runtime manually, facing to unity/monodevelop but the "OK" button does not light up, and I can't select any of the folders.
Should I just install separate mono?
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Yes, for now you should install separate mono.
Since Unity 5.5 ships with mono 4 theoretically it is possible to use it, but we haven't tried yet. Unity prior to 5.5 ships with old mono 2, which can't be used by Rider.
I have tried it right now. And created a request for autodetection in Rider.
For now you may manually set Rider settings mentioned in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-3825