Gradle support for development plugin for Rider.
In this guide we have the instruction how to configure build.gradle for plugin development for IDEA Community edition.
intellij {
version 'IC-2016.3'
plugins 'coverage'
pluginName 'plugin_name_goes_here'
What should I write into build.gradle for supporting and using Rider SDK instead IDEA Community or Ultimate edition SDK.
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There is no Rider SDK right now, however, there is some initial support. You can add intellij.type='RS' to the build.gradle file in order to tell the Gradle plugin to download Rider jar files to reference. You can also specify a version (171.4089.466 is EAP21) or a localPath to a currently installed version. Take a look at the build.gradle in the Unity plugin for an example.
Thank you, it works.
Matt Ellis so basically, if I developed a plugin that is workin in WebStorm, PhpStorm, InteliJ, ill need to create a separate plugin just for rider?
Hello Vukasin,
You do not need to create a separate plugin for Rider. There is an example. A plugin with such a configuration can be installed in any Intellij-based-IDE that meets version condition:
plugin.xml contains:
build.gradle specifies:
If anything is unclear or you have any other questions, please let me know.
Have a nice day!
Awesome, now, I have this in my plugin.xml:
<add-to-group group-id="ProjectViewPopupMenu" anchor="last"/>
This is working for Webstorm, phpstorm, intelij, but its not showing when I right click on anything in Rider. Is there something else i need to add to add that option when clicking on File/Folder in Rider?
Hello Vukasin,
I see your problem. The reason for this is that Rider overrides the IDEA "ProjectView" (together with "ProjectViewPopupMenu"). The proper group-id for Rider would be
<add-to-group group-id="SolutionExplorerPopupMenu"/>
.A proper solution would be to add a Rider-specific module to your plugin, then configure a dedicated build for the Rider version of the plugin.
You can find the sample implementation in the following plugins:
Should you wish more assistance here, I suggest you joining our plugin-developers Slack channel. If you are interested, you can submit from here:
Meantime your action should be available in Rider. You can find it in Search Everywhere (Shift+Shift). Also, you can add it manually to “Project View Popup Menu” from Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars (after installing plugin into Rider).
Another way around this problem could also be to choose another place for your action. (The one that is not overridden in Rider)
Have a nice day!