Delete File from Rider Project does not change csproj File
I want to delete a class in a Rider project, but it looks like Rider does not change the .csproj File, so I get a build error, because the .csproj file searchs for a file that is not there anymore. Excluding the files before deleting them does not help either, as excluding the file/folder only hides them in the explorer, but does not delete the reference from the csproj file.
Did anybody else experience this? I do not want to edit my csproj files manually...
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I am seeing this also...
And the Include option also doesnt update the csproj file either.. Once I restart Rider any files I have included are excluded still, and any files I have excluded / deleted are showing up as phantoms in the Solution Explorer
I'm seeing this as well.
When i went to fix the issue (after having opened the solution again) i right-clicked the reference and chose Exclude, but it STILL didn't update the csproj.
Having to open VS to update csproj (or doing it by hand) is not ideal.
It's not happening right now though...
My issue may be restricted to remove references to missing files.
Sheiss, Boycs does the issue persist on Rider 2017.2? Worth noting that there is a known issue in .Net Core projects, which will be fixed in 2017.3.
Mcsagittarius I would appreciate a repro for this. Thanks!