"Immediate Window" in Rider?
I there an equivilent of the immediate window in Rider? If so, how do I get to it?
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Not currently, the evaluate window has some functionality but the immediate window needs to be voted up:
Looks like it's the evaluate window. Available when the debugger is attached and paused.
I will literally not use Rider because of this.
Please add this!! I use this a _ton_ in Visual Studio and it'll make it tough to switch..
it's coming out in the next version. yay!
It's already available in Rider's EAP: https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/nextversion/
You can check out here how it works: https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/10/15/immediate-window-interact-with-your-code-while-debugging-in-rider/
I love it so much. Good job, folks. This saves a lot of time.