Build Configurations moved in EAP3?


After installing the first Rider 2017.3 EAP, I found that our solutions run/debug configurations were no longer showing up. It seems that the location for "shared configurations" is now `%SolutionDir%\.idea\runConfigurations`  Rider 2017.2 stored the shared configurations in `%SolutionDir%\.idea.%SolutionName%\.idea\runConfigurations`

Is this an intended change, or should I enter a new issue?

1 comment

Hey Mike,

No, this is not intended, and, unfortunately, the bug reached 2017.3 release build. We are going to move runConfigurations folder back in v2017.3.1 (issue on YouTrack). The workaround is to temporarily сopy-paste runConfigurations folder from .idea/.idea.SolutionName/.idea to .idea folder.


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