Compose project, when launched with "Run" after a while the compose project stops , Debug works.

I have a compose project in my solution - this is a “.dcproj” file.

For my “Run / Debug” configurations, it correctly shows as a “Compose” template type, and I have specified the compose file, services, “Attach to: None” as well as other options  like some env vars, and volume mounts to pass into the containers.

When I “Run” this configuration, the containers spin up for a while, but after a like 30 seconds they die - with no errors in the STDOUT of the containers.

When I “Debug” this configuration - I ca set breakpoints and debug the applications running inside the containers correctly and everything works. There are no such timeouts.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why i might see this different behaviour between “Run” and “Debug” ?



1 comment

Hello Darrell,

Thanks for contacting Rider Support. I'm Tao from Rider support team.
Basically, Run and Debug are using the same configuration in Rider, I'm not quite sure if it relates to your .dcproj configuration, we can investigate into that.

To figure out whether the issue is from the IDE configuration or the docker-compose settings here, you can do some quick tests as below.
1. Migrate all the settings into the solution docker-compose.yml file, and try if docker-compose up command can start the containers.
2. In Run/Debug Configuration, add Don't use docker fast mode option, delete existing images/containers and try it again.

If the issue still there, not sure if you can provide a sample solution that could reproduce the issue. Will check the issue on my side.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask. Have a great day!




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