Classic touch typers - how are you quickly up/downing in dropdown autocomplete boxes?
- Reaching for up/down arrows is too slow, even on popular programming keyboards
- Reaching for mouse obviously too slow
- Typing more characters to match works sometimes, but often long names offer only differ towards the end
I tried redefining Rider's “Lookup Up” and “Lookup Down” to Ctrl-I and Ctrl-K respectively, but they just seem to exit the lookup dropdown and move up/down instead of moving up/down the dropdown list. Not sure what they're about.
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Redefining Editor actions Up and Down should work. Please give it a try.

Adding additional keystrokes for Up and Down has indeed worked for me - thanks (don't want to lose the arrows)
What are the “Lookup Up” and "Lookup Down” Editor actions for then?
Is this what you need?
Your first suggestion worked: giving “Up” and “Down” additional keystrokes.
It was only out of interest I was asking what “Lookup Down” and “Lookup Up” actually do - as they didn't do what I expected.