Default Project icon for multiple checkouts

So I set the project icon as descibed here Any way to change project icons? – Rider Support | JetBrains

Then I pushed the \.idea\\.idea\icon.svg to share it with my co-workers.

But I realized that it is not working because we have multiple checkouts of the same repo and we call them differently. 

So for us to make it work we would have to commit the svg to all possible namings of the developers x amount of checkouts which isnt really sustainable. Eg: \.idea\\.idea\icon.svg \.idea\.idea.yyy\.idea\icon.svg \.idea\.idea.zzz\.idea\icon.svg

Is there a better way to do this?


I found that setting the icon from here:

creates \.idea\icon.svg in the root of the project, which seems to be more in line with what I was expecting. But it still doesnt seem to show on my other checkouts.


Hi Eh

We have a feature request to save project icon in a root directory. It allows to use the same icon for any checkout by default and does not include .idea folders in vcs. There are no other options for now. Please upvote the issue to show your interest. 



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