I could not manage to find the exact setting you are talking about using the code snippet above.
All in all, TypeScript Color Scheme settings are located in Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | TypeScript. Thus, could you please check the available options there? If it is still not working for you, please share with me the full code file sample and Rider settings: 'File | Settings | "Manage Layers" button at the bottom => "Export to File"` in the context menu for each layer. I will try to reproduce the behaviour once again with your settings.
Hello Alexandre Payette ,
Thank you for contacting Rider Forum.
I could not manage to find the exact setting you are talking about using the code snippet above.
All in all, TypeScript Color Scheme settings are located in Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | TypeScript. Thus, could you please check the available options there? If it is still not working for you, please share with me the full code file sample and Rider settings: 'File | Settings | "Manage Layers" button at the bottom => "Export to File"` in the context menu for each layer. I will try to reproduce the behaviour once again with your settings.
Thank you and have a nice day!
You were correct! It was
Thank you so much :)