Can Rider run multiple instances?

When I open multiple solutions, I notice that Rider is single process.

I want to open muiltiple Rider instances, one for each solution. How can I do?

OS is Win10, Rider revision is 2023.3.4



When opening a new solution, another instance of Rider.Backend process will be launched. Regrettably, it is not possible to spawn a new frontend process (rider64.exe) for every solution. This restriction is derived from the IntelliJ platform, upon which Rider is based. As far as I'm aware, there are no plans to change it in the immediate future. Here is the relevant request in our issue tracker: IDEABKL-5934, feel free to upvote it.


open command prompt go into solution or folder, type “code .” go to other folder/solutions type “code .” as many editors and solutions open as you need.

Its not 1990, projects have Unity front ends, Unreal back ends and nodejs server code between them and you MUST have 3 different copies of your editor open in each of those projects AT THE SAME TIME.

If your editor cannot do this, get one which can, seems like rider may be good for little config file editing tasks, but not serious professional work.


Hello Eric,

Thank you for contacting Rider support.
That should work. You can open several Rider windows with different projects using the cli ("rider /path/to/the.sln") or using the "File | Open" action.
If that doesn't help, would you mind elaborating on the issue?

Have a nice day!

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