Floating debug actions just gone in 2024.1
The floating debug actions which appeared when clicking on a line during debug (skip to here, run to here) have just completely disappeared in 2024.1.
I have reproduced this issue on two separate machines. Both machines have the feature enabled in settings.
This has killed my debugging speed and I have had to roll back.
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Hello Alexander Horner ,
Thank you for reaching Rider Forum.
I could not reproduce such an issue on my machine, could you please collect logs from Help > Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data and share this archive? You can put it to our shared storage at https://uploads.jetbrains.com and sed the upload ID afterwards.
Thank you in advance. Have a nice day.
Hi Anna Morozyuk,
Rider warns me that this may contain sensitive information. Where can I link the upload ID where it won't be in public view?
Alexander Horner , the upload itself is on our shared storage, and thus, the file itself and search by the ID are accessible to the JetBrains employees only.
However, if you still would like to share logs outside the forum, you may want to create a ticket to our support team by going to Help > Contact Support.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Anna Morozyuk
The upload ID is 2024_04_16_FLfnAh567kkjzL4dP1BhBK
Hello Alexander Horner ,
From the logs, I see that you are using the Old UI by the mesages
ide.experimental.ui = false
. Could you please try to enable it in Settings | Appearance & Behavior | New UI and see if that helps?Thank you in advance.
Hi Anna Morozyuk,
I'm afraid I do not trust the New UI enough to switch, no. Last time I did so, it completely messed up my layout settings. Maybe you could reproduce it in the Old UI?
The New UI is not yet okay for me to use due to various reasons, and is therefore not a solution to this issue,
Hello Alexander Horner ,
Sorry for a delay.
Could you please clarify for me, if you are experiencing this issue in one particular solution? Could you please try creating a test one and see if it is reproduced there?
Hi Anna Morozyuk
My current Rider is as so:
JetBrains Rider 2024.1
Build #RD-241.14494.307, built on April 8, 2024
Licensed to Alexander Horner
Subscription is active until September 25, 2024.
Runtime version: 17.0.10+8-b1207.12 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10.0
.NET Core v8.0.1 x64 (Server GC)
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4096M
Cores: 24
Non-Bundled Plugins:
com.jetbrains.space (241.14494.150)
com.tang (1.4.13-IDEA241)
com.jetbrains.rider.android (241.14494.307)
Abc.MoqComplete.Rider (2023.3.0.1)
com.intellij.resharper.StructuredLogging (2024.1.0.323-eap01)
tv.twelvetone.intellij.plugins.intellivue (1.2.0)
com.microsoft.vso.idea (1.162.2)
com.intellij.resharper.azure (
Having restarted the IDE, the floating actions option no longer even appears under Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Debugger, and the feature is non-functional:
This option appers in 2023 versions of Rider and works fine (this example is 2023.3.4 #RD-233.14475.66 March 6 2024):
Hello Alexander Horner ,
Sorry for the delay in the reply.
Could you please download JetBrains Toolbox, then install a Rider 2024.2 Dev version? Please check if the issue is reproduced there. If it does, please collect the log in the following way:
We have added an additional debug logger there, so these logs might help us to understand what's going on.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Anna,
I have tried to find Rider 2024.2, but I am only able to find the EAP version 2024.17586, please could you advise?
Hello Alexander Horner ,
Sorry for the delay and for the confusion.
Any version newer 2024.1.2 will work (i.e. EAP, Dev).
Thank you in advance.
Hi Anna,
Please find the logs uploaded at Upload id: 2024_06_04_KE8Z8ZAZAqLGVz42DY8bsu (file: rider-logs-20240604-19410516371424056860739731.zip)
Hello Alexander Horner ,
Sorry for the delay.
Meanwhile, I have checked log files but still cannot find anything pointing in the right direction there. Thus, I have created a new issue in our tracker to request a deeper investigation:
RIDER-113608 Floating debug actions have gone since the 2024.1 update
Please upvote it to receive news.
Have a nice day.