Rider changes focused project while debugging

While debugging with multiple projects, Rider will change the currently active window of the project I'm focused on, therefore missing the breakpoint entirely.

For example: I have my client and server apps running and I have a breakpoint in my Client - I'll be focused on the Client project window where the breakpoint is red, but then something will happen on the Server and then Rider decides to “intelligently” switch the view to my server window, causing the breakpoint in the client to not be hit.

This makes debugging projects with microservices extremely difficult because the focused window keeps flickering around.

Is there any way to turn this crap off?


Look at the example picture below. 3 projects are running locally: The Client and 2 microservices. 

As the projects are running, focus will shift between all 3 automatically. So if I have a breakpoint on the Client, but the Authprocessor is performing operations, it will shift focus to the Authprocessor and skip over my breakpoints in the client. 

It makes it extremely frustrating trying to debug anything, as it often comes down to a game of luck.

1 comment

You can disable “Show debug window on breakpoint” in Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger. So that you can focus on the debugger you are interested in.

Use the Service tool window could make your debugging easier. You can add the Run/Debug Configuration types in the Services tool window, debugger tabs will be moved to the window as well.


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