Editor lags in version 2024.1.2 when pressing up and down arrow keys mulitple times.

After upgrading Rider from 2024.1.1 to  2024.1.2 the up and down arrow keys now have a noticeable delay when pressed multiple times. I have no custom plugins enabled and disabled solution wide analysis.

I installed  2024.1.1 and opened same (small) solution. Issue is NOT in 2024.1.1  !

So something has changed in 2024.1.2 that makes the editor lag when pressing arrow up or down multiple times.



Unfortunately, it looks like you have faced a known issue: IJPL-149640 Caret movement / input lag when filename widget is shortened. The fix for the issue will be included in one of the upcoming EAP builds of Rider 2024.2. Meanwhile, please try applying this workaround.

Have a great day!



I just upgraded to 2024.1.4 and finally the laggy caret movement / input is resolved! I did not apply the workaround. Thought I had to wait until 2024.2, but this lag is gone! :-D


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