How do I ignore/suppress this VC error that rider is throwing? I'm trying to avoid command line and don't want to download another git client

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We have discussed this I believe in your ticket.
Can you please check ID: 6477798, and reply to the latest email?
Sorry what ticket? can you link? googling that number gives me nothing.
However, to give you an answer:
The error you are seeing is implemented on Rider side, please see:
It does not have "Commit anyway" option, so we made a feature request:
Is there any specific reason why you want these file commited? ( as this is not a recommend practice).
That first link 404's for me? I did bring up something similar before, but it was a warning before, now its an error? So you are saying this isn't possible without a feature request? Seems bizzare to me, I just need git in rider to be git, not some basket of assumptions that rider has stuck on top of it, what is and is not recommended. Recommended by who?? I want to ignore this because command line would ignore it, thats it, I just want a gui for git in my IDE. Nothing more. I don't need rider making architecture assumptions for me. There are many reasons why I would want to be able to do this, and no other git gui makes assumptions like this. So I don't know where rider is getting its recommendations or why it insists on enforcing them??
When you throw this error, you essentially fork the working tree, one version that git sees, and one version rider sees. Rider throws an error, but git status says everything is clean. You know what I can't recommended?? Running two competing version control systems in the same repo.
Yes I understand the dance this is trying to avoid, but that dance doesn't break anything in a project. When you throw this error and make it unpassable, you create a vulnerability for someone else on the team who isn't using rider to commit a dangling metafile and then break anyone's local repo who then pulls using rider. Which is way worse in my opinion than the slightly annoying dance Rider is trying to avoid in the first place. If you are going to essentially fork git and provide your own unique requirements on top of it, then why call it git?? call it rider git++ or something, I dunno. I could see value in a warning that you can bypass, but just borking peoples repo when they pull a dangling metafile because you think they should be doing things differently seems wild to me.
Hi all,

You may uncheck the “Check redundant meta files” under the cog button (Show commit options) the commit tab in the right bottom corner of the screenshot.