How can i use latest version of Rider with Unity3d on Mac including Debugging.


Hi there

How can i use latest version of Rider with Unity3d on Mac including Debugging.



We'll be writing more about this soon, but a good place to start is with this plugin to Unity, which will allow Unity to open files in Rider, and will set things up so you can debug by using Run -> Attach to Local Process in Rider.


1. This plugin to Unity, which helps Unity to open files in Rider
2. Rider support for Unity:

  • Debugging of Unity instances.
    • Use the Run → "Attach to local process" menu item to list available Unity instances.
    • Run → "Edit Configurations" → Add new "Mono remote" configuration to set everything manually.

3. [From EAP13 - 163.7608] Addition Rider support for Unity via ReSharper plugin (File→Settings→Plugins→Type Unity→Press "search in repositories"→ReSharper Unity plugin will be found→Install.→Restart Rider.).


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