System.Console is not displaying in the Console window
Is there a reason that when we do `Console.Out.WriteLine` nothing is displayed in Debug -> Console window?
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Any update on this? I am having the same issue on a Xamarin project
Also wondering about this, can't find any answer or topic about this anywhere. I'm running a lot of projects at the same time and it would be awesome not to have a console window for each of them !
Hello? Is there anybody in there?
I have the same issue. When I check "Use External Console" in the debug settings, I see my console output, but otherwise nothing is shown in the console panel of Rider.
Same Issue/Question here. Nothing shown in Console ... any news about getting this work?
the reason is because of the frame work you are using
i tested on 4.0 >>>outputs on external window
while i tested on 4.7.2 it shows in rider's console.
Hope this helps
Still experiencing this issue with 2019.3.1
1. Make a fresh winforms desktop application using .NET framework 4.8
2. Add a handler for Load and Shown events on the form
3. In the ctor add the line 'Console.WriteLine("ctor");'
4. In the Load handler add the line 'Console.WriteLine("Loaded");'
5. In the Shown handler add the line 'Console.WriteLine("Shown");'
6. Run the application
Console output:
Process finished with exit code 1.
No sign of the writelines
Hello Michael,
Unfortunately, you have faced a known issue: RIDER-15637. We would appreciate if you would upvote the issue in order to demonstrate additional interest and bring increased awareness to the issue.