Rider (and ReSharper) does not load project

After the latest update, Rider and ReSharper don't load any solution. In the case of rider its just stuck on 'Starting ReSharper Engine', and in ReSharper it gives me this issue "Unable to connect to MSBuild process to load project '<project name>'|   MSBuild process was started from '…\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe', but the IDE failed to connect to it. It means that MSBuild crashed or froze during startup."


Already tried reinstalling Visual Studio, ReSharper and Rider. And Rebooting my pc.


Also disabling AV


Tried repairing VS and rider and still, the issue persist


Hello Alex,

Could you please collect a ReSharper log for us by following the steps:

1. Select ReSharper | Navigate | Go to Action
2. Type `logger /all`
3. Enable Verbose logging level
4. Reproduce the issue
5. Provide the log file (its location is specified at the top of Logger Configuration tool window)
6. Don't forget to disable the logging

Could you please share your file via our upload service. Please let me know Upload ID of your file.

Thank you.


Hi! Sorry about the delay

This is the Upload id: 2024_08_24_xHBQMuPMXWJm8xmptgN6rR (file: JetBrainsLog.JetBrains.2024-08-24T11-57-22.devenv#18648.err.zip)

Also included in  the files is Rider's log.


Managed to fix this issue by deleting the Jetbrains folder at ~/Appdata/Local but Resharper Build stopped working with the following error:

  Error: Can't connect to protocol model
  at JetBrains.Platform.RdFramework.ExternalProcess.ProtocolExternalProcess`2.Run()
  at JetBrains.Platform.MsBuildHost.MsBuildConnectionFactory.Create(Lifetime lifetime, MsBuildConnectionContext context)
  at JetBrains.ReSharper.Features.SolBuilderDuo.Services.OutOfProcBuildSessionContextFactory.CreateSession(Lifetime lifetime, SolutionBuilderRequest solutionBuilderRequest, IBuildTool msBuildForSolution, MsBuildConnectionContext connectionContext, RdBuildSessionContext context2, SolutionBuilderSettings buildSettings)
  at JetBrains.ReSharper.Features.SolBuilderDuo.Services.OutOfProcBuildSessionContextFactory.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<Create>b__2()
  at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
  at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
  at JetBrains.ReSharper.Features.SolBuilderDuo.Services.OutOfProcBuildRunner.BeginBuild(BuildLaunchContext buildLaunchContext, IProject project, Action`1 callback)
  at JetBrains.ReSharper.Features.SolBuilderDuo.Services.SolutionBuilderCommandProcessor.TryRunBuildingNextProjectsLayer()
  at JetBrains.ReSharper.Features.SolBuilderDuo.Services.SolutionBuilderCommandProcessor.ProceedBeginBuildCommand(BeginProcessCommand command)
  at JetBrains.Lifetimes.LifetimeDefinition.WrapOrThrow(Action action, Boolean wrap)
  at JetBrains.Lifetimes.LifetimeDefinition.TryExecute(Action action, Boolean wrapExceptions)
  at JetBrains.ReSharper.Features.SolBuilderDuo.Services.SolutionBuilderControllerPrototype.ProceedCommands()

A workaround is disabling Resharper Build by going to Extensions>Resharper>Options>Tools>Build>General and unchecking “Use Resharper Build”

Still would like to be able to use the services I am paying for :C


Nvm, didn't realized that I set the cache to Solution Folder. Restoring to local cache directory broke it again, even after deleting local folder.

It works on Solution Folder though.


Hello Alex,


thank you for the feedback.

Could you please also check if the issue is reproduced in ReSharper when the cache folder is set to local cache folder and the followng option is disabled - ReSharper | Options | Environment | General | Read solution model directly..?


It does, albeit Resharper Build still does not


Thank you for the info, Alex.

I've filed a corresponding bug report - Project cannot be loaded in R#/Rider cause of problem with project model caches. Please follow it to get the latest updates.

Thank you.


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