What's new page always shows when loading a solution
Heya, might be something I'm missing but I'm unable to stop the “What's New” update page from showing when I open *any* solution.
Is there a setting to disable this page from being shown?
Started happening when updating to latest version.
Gif showing the page:
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I get the same thing on opening any solution. I can't seem to find a setting to turn it off.
Would love for this to stop showing up. It was nice the first time… Now, it breaks my flow. Including the 10+ minutes searching, in vain, how to turn it off.
MacOS 14.6.1, Rider 2024.2.1
I've had the same problem since I upgraded to 2024.2.
However, I also had an ‘Unable to save settings’ error notification, which I eventually resolved by cleaning out the configuration folders and uninstalling then reinstalling Rider. I thought this might be related (saving the state of this feature could be done in the settings mentioned above), but it's obviously not enough: the error has disappeared, but this page continues to be displayed every time I open a project.
The What's New issue has been fixed in the upcoming 2024.2.2 release, please see RIDER-116228 "What's New" page displays every time I open Rider.