Save As... and scratches


Something that occasionally bothers me is the lack of a File→Save As… option when working with scratch files. My process is usually something like this: I need to do some checking in the database so I open an SQL scratch file. I do some queries until i figure out what is wrong. Then I refine my script so that it fixes the problem. Suddenly I remember that this needs to be a part of my repo and I search around for the Save As… menu item until I realize that there is none and I need to locate the scratch file in Windows File Explorer to copy and rename the file to the correct folder and commit/push.

Is there a better way to go from scratch file to git push? What is the thought behind no Save As… button? I'm I doing it all wrong?



1 comment

Hi, please vote for the related issue here:

As a workaround, you could copy the file in the Solution tool window, and paste it again to save as a new file.


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