How to toggle UNITY_EDITOR directive for code analysis?

By default, Rider only highlights and analyzes code in #IF UNITY_EDITOR and not the other branch.

How to tell Rider to assume UNITY_EDITOR is false so I can edit the other branch more easily?


Hello Kodoragon1997 ,

Thank you for the report. I was able to reproduce the same behavior and submitted a new issue in our tracker: RIDER-117279 Code inside active preprocessor branch is not highlighted. Please upvote it and keep an eye on status updates there.


It's a bit different though. My issue is not that one branch is highlighted and the other isn't. My issue it how to switch them.

Assuming “Player project” has UNITY_EDITOR = 0 isn't the proper solution, as people put editor-only code in player project all the time. Actually, that's the whole point of using UNITY_EDITOR directive.



Please click the control in the upper right corner of the editor window and select the player project there. It will switch context for code analysis. 


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