Ignore folders from search?

Working with typescript is a bit frustrating since Rider will scan all kinds of output `.js` and `.d.ts` files but often will completely miss actual source `.ts` files even when they are immediately next to a related file that it does see.

I thought I would be smart and put my typescript output files under /bin/ but Rider still finds .js files that are under the bin folder. How can I hide typescript output files from Rider?


The more I do some TypeScript programming the more annoying this gets. Rider cannot find anything in regular TypeScript (.ts not .d.ts) files, but can find all kinds of things in .d.ts and .js files that are output files and that I have under the /bin folder and should be ignored.

It seems as if “Find Anywhere” can only search in .ts files when in Directory mode? 

  • Scope mode → All Places: only finds things in .js files (and .cs files but what I'm searching for is ts/js specific).
    • If I choose “Recently Viewed Files” and some other options, those do find .ts files, but those are not useful to find something new.
  • Directory mode: if I have a useful folder already selected, then this can find text in .ts files in the files in those folders.
  • Project mode: finds nothing (finds some random stuff in some analyzer .globalconfig files)
  • Solution mode: finds only things in .js and .cs files, not .ts files.

The only searches that find in .ts files are Directory mode and Scope mode with certain not that useful scopes selected.

The “search everywhere” window (not the same as find anywhere) has similar problems but not easy to figure out why it's so inconsistent.

  • If I search for a .ts file by name I can sometimes find it under All but not always or often
  • If I search for a member from All it finds only .js files and cannot find the member in its .ts file
  • When I can find a file under All I do NOT find the same file if I choose Files; it finds a .cs file and no .ts files by name, even with the exact file name
  • If I choose Text… that actually seems to work better than the whole Find Anywhere window, it does actually find text in .ts files.

Rider will index d.ts for type definations, all Search Everywhere actions will be performed on code files first.

Have a check in Settings | Advanced Settings, input “search” in the filter, try to enable the semantic search options to see if it helps.

The best way is find a solution that could reproduce your problem so that we can investigate further.


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