Visual Studio Color Scheme changed in 2024.2.6



after upgrading from 2024.2.5 to 2024.2.6, I noticed that the Visual Studio Dark Color Scheme changed significantly. I was very confused and tried to reset the config, maybe something broke there. On the Onboarding Page the Scheme looked normal, but after actually opening a project it was the same. I like the old theme better and was wondering if this is even intentional and if there is any way to get the old theme back.

Kind regards :)

How it looked before the update (top) and after the update (bottom):

1 comment
Official comment

Hello 504TimeOut ,

Thank you for reaching Rider Forum.

The issue you have faced is a known one: 

RIDER-117806 "Visual Studio Dark" Scheme is Incorrect

It is going to be fixed in the next bugfix. You may want to subscribe to the issue to receive further updates in case of any.

Have a nice day. 

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