Using Resources from other Projects

I very recently starting using Rider in addition to Visual Studio 2022. One thing that I (and I would think almost every other developer as well) often do is use Resource(s) from other Project(s) in the same Solution. This includes custom View(s), Style(s), Color(s) & String(s), along with many custom Classes & Extension methods. I edit most of my C# code in Visual Studio 2022, but the main reason I added JetBrains Rider to my set of tools was for editing Resource(s). However, if the designer does not have the capability of using Resource(s) (most importantly Style(s)) from other projects, I don't think it is worth using. I just started using it, so I am assuming I just haven't set it up to make the references between projects yet (although the Project(s) & Solution came directly from Visual Studio 2022, so I that would already be done). Any ideas?

1 comment

Could you provide more details about your use case?
- Which kind of project are you working on?

- Some code snippets or minimal reproduction could be easier to understand your problem.


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