Jump over autocompleted closing brace / parens / quotes / generic >?

In VS Code, the autocomplete adds closing (), [], “”, <> and if you type the closing character, it automagically jumps over the autocompleted closing element.   Does Rider have a setting for this?  I found “Jump Outside Current Brace/Quote” and bound it to Tab but it does not work nor is it as logically convenient as typing the closing character.


Hi Folf

It should work like this in Rider by default during initial typing. Could you please add some screencast on how it works for you? What is your Rider version? 




Thank you for the response.  I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you.  I spent some time messing with the settings under Editor→General→Typing Assistance, specifically the “Delimiter characters” section and was able to get the behavior I desire.


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