Building & syncing projects
when I have solution open with 40 projects, and I press the debug icon on Rider, the project syncing progress starts then only after it finishes it will start the build process, It does it every time when I want to start a new debug build, why, it is slowing down the build process, especially when you have lots of project open like I have? When you do lot of debugging, fixes etc, this adds up to a lot of time wasted.

Some context, I have a source folder with solutions folder with multiple solutions files open (One is Client, One is Server), one solution has 40 project the other has over 80 project opens. I usual have at least two riders ide's open.
I am using the latest version of Rider, I have noticed since the previous version(s). It is doing this on Windows & MAC.
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No body getting the same issue?
Hello Corrie,
Thank you for contacting Rider support.
I am sorry to hear that you experience such an issue.
The "Syncing projects" task is intended to construct (on solution open) or update (on project changes) the project model. Project model is a mandatory IDE component that later participates in providing most of the advanced IDE features (completion, navigation, etc..)
I would appreciate it if you could share the additional information as described below:
Alongside answers, would you mind sharing Rider logs, so that we can take a deeper look?
Have a nice day!
Here is the ID: Upload id: 2024_12_02_ExPPYJSETBWUTRUCSVqx24 (file:
Hope the information helps.
Hello Corrie,
Thank you for the details shared. Is this option enabled in Rider settings: Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolset and Build | Restore NuGet packages before build ? If so, try unticking that and let me know if that changes anything.
Have a nice day!
Hi Dmitry,
The restore is not ticked. See below my settings.
Hello Corrie,
Thank you for the clarification. I submitted this issue to our tracker to investigate it alongside developer: RIDER-120842 Rider "Syncing projects" every time Debug or Run is called
Let's move our discussion there. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of the sample run configuration you launch (Run | Edit Configurations) and verifying if you have any “Before build” tasks defined in your .csproj files or in Directory.Build.props.
Have a nice day!