Rider doesn't show errors in F# files until they are opened.

I have a solution with like 5 F# projects. Errors don't show up until I actually open the f# file with the error. Is there something I can do so these appear in the normal solution analysis (and so I can quickly jump to next error in solution. That's what I am really missing.)


Hello Josh,

Thank you for contacting Rider Support.
Could you please reproduce the issue and report it via Help | Report a bug with logs automatically attached? It will help us to troubleshoot the issue. Please add any details that could be helpful in understanding the case precisely. 



I created the bug report. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-121017/Rider-doesnt-show-errors-in-F-files-until-they-are-opened.


This seems so obvious though, I'm wondering if Rider just hasn't implemented this for F# projects. Is that the case? Or I am missing a setting perhaps.


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