[SOLVED] TypeScript Language Service not working properly

Hey folks!

I'm pretty new on rider and already experiencing some annoying issue:
When I edit TypeScript files, the Typescript Language Service is not working properly.
The whole language support does not work on TS files.

On first opening the file, both services seem to run: 

But after a few seconds, the TypeScript Language Service abandons and is absent (only ESLint running)……

When I click on the Languages Services Icon/Area, Rider seems to remember, that he would need TypeScript Language Service running and I see this (TS is listed as icon, but not in the list as running) for a short amount of time,

until it switches back to


Is there  a log or whatever, for these Language Service, which I can examine?
Anybody has suggestions for me?

Thank you in advance!

JetBrains Rider 2024.3.3
Build #RD-243.22562.250, built on December 23, 2024
Runtime version: 21.0.5+8-b631.28 amd64 (JCEF 122.1.9)
Windows 11.0


It seems, that a uninstalling & installing Rider solved my issue. But I have then installed the newest Rider EarlyAccess Version (2025.1 EAP 1 Build #RD-251.14649.64), so I can not say if a simple reinstall would have helped, or if it was a version issue. (I guess a simple reinstall would also have solved the problem.)


Hi Markus! 
Glad to hear it works in the latest EAP. If the issue occurs again, please contact us via Help | Report a bug with the logs attached. This allows us to investigate the issue further. 



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