How do I sync: bookmarks, database connections, break points

I recently moved to another workstation.

I had sync turned on with Rider & Webstorm on my old machine.  Things were synced to my account.

When I went to the new machine, cloned my git repos and enabled sync, the following things were not synced.

- bookmarks

- database connections

- breakpoints

How do I get these to sync?


I have four IDEs in use: Rider, WebStorm, PyCharm, IntelliJ with more than a dozen projects each and many database connections setup (Snowflake, Postgres, MongoDB - hosted in a cloud env)

It would take a month to recreate all these.  I super bad need them all in my new env.

I can copy over directories that were never part of a git repo if needed.

What files hold these settings that I could copy over? (that is if sync is broken and does not sync the above)

1 comment

The project configurations are stored in the .idea folder, in the project root directory. Have you synced the configs in Git?

You can sync the directory-based settings through VCS. This documentation explains which types could be synchronized. IDE uses the .gitignore to control the synchronization process. 


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