Error message "No active connection to Mac Agent" on Windows 11

I'm trying to run my project on Rider, How and where do I connect to Mac Agent?

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Hello Talhaghori18 ,

Thank you for reaching Rider Forum.

At the moment there are no iOS simulators for Windows are available, however, we have the issue in our tracker: 

RIDER-23129 iOS Remote Simulator feature

The only way to build an iOS MAUI application on Windows is by using a physical device. As per our documentation

On Windows, you can develop MAUI applications for any platform, but local build and run/debug is limited to Blazor apps and Android devices and emulators.

You can build and run your application on iOS and macOS. To do so, configure a Mac agent accessible on the network, then select Tools | iOS | Remote Mac Agent from the main menu, add a new connection and click Connect.

Hope, my reply was helpful. 


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