Running code cleanup in rider and using the resharper cli tools results in different outcome


I want to use the resharper cli tools in my ci pipeline to make sure all rules are followed.

The issue I now encountered is that running code cleanup in rider results in a different outcome from running the cli tools.

To test this, I created a .editorconfig file to store the settings and deleted all style settings from my ide so there should only be the .editorconfig to get settings from.

Even with this setup, the result is different.

Some examples:

.props - The cli handles .props files like xml (i guess. at least it handles them) and rider just ignores them. I tried to add “*.props” to the xml file type which makes rider handle the file but still produces the wrong format
.config - Even weirder is the behaviour for my nuget.config file. When running code cleanup from rider, it removes the space before the closing  “/>” while the cli adds a space.


Rider "<package pattern="*" />" → "<package pattern="*"/>"
CLI "<package pattern="*"/>" → "<package pattern="*" />"

How is that possible? Is there anyway to force both ways to produce the same result? Right now I am not able to use resharper in the ci pipeline because it will always fail


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