Rider Debugger is not attaching to Unity
Input/Output redirection disabled: Debugger is attached to an already running process
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\JetBrains Rider 2017.3\bin\runnerw.exe" "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\JetBrains Rider 2017.3\lib\ReSharperHost\JetBrains.Debugger.Worker.exe" 50736
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That message indicates that the debugger has attached - it's attached to an already running process, rather than starting a new process itself.
The problem was that the game in Unity was not reacting to the debugger's breakpoint. But as I mentioned in GitHub, right now, it is working correctly. Thanks.
I have tried to add a comment to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-23851 but an exception keeps being thrown by the website.
I am having the same issues as described into that ticket. And I am running the latest Rider and Unity. It does not seem to be fixed.
Maybe I should start a new thread? I am new to JetBrains and Rider so I am not up on the community's protocols.
System details: Mac 10.14.5, Rider 2019.1 build 7/14/2019, Unity 2019.1.10.f1.
Hi Dales!
Thank you for letting us know about the problem.
Please, enable Debugger trace scenario in "Help | Trace Scenarios (LOGS)," reproduce the issue, collect logs (Help . | Compress Logs and Show in ...), and attach them to the issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-23851 (I've reopened it).
Kind regards,
Hi Sofia,
I reinstalled both Rider and Unity, as well as deleted all the various preference and app setting folders. It started working again after that.
I turned on the logging. Since I don't know what causes it to get in a bad state I am not sure how to reproduce. When (if?) it happens again I will post the log.
Hi Dale!
Great! Thank you for the information.
Please, keep me posted!
The issue is back. Here are screenshots:... sigh. The web interface will not load the images. I have tried several iterations in different formats that the error message says I should use. The .png files are under 20K. The jpg images are under 120K.
The log file is some 280K lines.
Here is a link that the stuff can be downloaded. The link will expire in about 30 days: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x8yxgg3ad7kup8r/AAC7XzxxBR4x5V1BLly-dJGGa?dl=0
The debug console in Rider states the same message as the mouse over:
Now I start the hoky poky to see if I can get the problem to go away.
Let me know if you need something more.
Oops pasted the link twice. Here is the console message:
Input/Output redirection disabled: Debugger is attached to an already running process
/Applications/Rider.app/Contents/lib/ReSharperHost/runtime.sh /Applications/Rider.app/Contents/lib/ReSharperHost/JetBrains.Debugger.Worker.exe --mode=client --frontend-port=49658 --plugins=/Applications/Rider.app/Contents/plugins/rider-unity/dotnetDebuggerWorker
Interesting. I left everything sitting, as it was after I sent the information and got dinner. When I came back in about an hour the error has cleared itself. Odd!
And as I stepped through the code at the now working breakpoint Unity crashed.
It looks like if I wait for about 10 - 15 min. The issue clears itself. If I interact with Rider breakpoint continue to not work. If I let it sit in debug mode for long enough the breakpoint mouse over message goes away the breakpoints start working again. Very odd.
Let me know if you need more logs or something.
Hello Dales!
Thank you for updates.
Could you please share all Rider logs ("Help | Compress Logs and Show in ...") after reproducing the problem (with Debugger trace enabled in "Help | Trace Scenarios (LOGS)")?
You can upload them via https://uploads.services.jetbrains.com/ (let us know the exact filename).
Also, it worth noting that mono loads classes in a lazy way. That is why Rider may not resolve breakpoints until the corresponding class is loaded by Unity runtime.
Kind regards,
I believe I'm running into the same issue. I was able to successfully attach the debugger to Unity once, although it seemed like it started out paused and I had to hit F5 a few times to get it to actually start. But after that, I wasn't able to re-attach the debugger even though I tried quitting and restarting Unity and Rider. I'll attach the logs to the given link.
I am sorry to hear you have faced with such difficulties, I have to ask you about the same as above: for proper investigation, we will need to take a look at diagnostics information, please collect it using the instruction below:
And upload the resulting log here or create a new issue on YT: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue and attach logs to it. Thank you in advance!
Thanks for the response. I've uploaded the logs as rider-logs-20190927-094731.zip to the JetBrains upload service. I didn't see anything labeled "Debug Trace Scenario" under Help -> Trace Scenarios. So I just enabled things that looked close or seemed relevant ("Debugger", "DotTrace", "Editors", and "Unity").
Thank you for uploading the logs, I have checked them. I would really appreciate if you could upload the sample solution using which we can try to reproduce the issue. I would also like to know if you are willing and able to test it on the newer version of Unity. I have created an issue on our bug tracker, let's proceed there: RIDER-33418.
Thanks. I'll continue at the new RIDER-33418 link.
I have the issue too.
In the same time, visual studio works fine every time.
My steps is
1. Attach the Unity Process
2. Select the IP:Port
3. but the console show me the information below
Input/Output redirection disabled: Debugger is attached to an already running process
/Applications/Rider.app/Contents/lib/ReSharperHost/runtime.sh /Applications/Rider.app/Contents/lib/ReSharperHost/JetBrains.Debugger.Worker.exe --mode=client --frontend-port=62960 --plugins=/Applications/Rider.app/Contents/plugins/rider-unity/dotnetDebuggerWorker
Below are the versions informations
JetBrains Rider 2019.2.3
Build #RD-192.7317.11, built on October 16, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.4+10-b304.77 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.15.2
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1450M
Cores: 8
Registry: ide.tree.horizontal.default.autoscrolling=false, performance.watcher.sampling.interval.ms=200, ide.borderless.title.product=false, performance.watcher.unresponsive.interval.ms=1000, ide.tooltip.initialDelay.highlighter=0, search.everywhere.settings=true, parameter.info.max.visible.rows=10, ide.win.file.chooser.native=true, ide.borderless.title.project.path=false, actionSystem.fix.alt.gr=false, search.everywhere.pattern.checking=false, ide.tooltip.initialDelay=0, ide.borderless.title.classpath=false, ide.require.transaction.for.model.changes=false, rider.enable.designer.winForms=false
Non-Bundled Plugins:
Hello Xiaoxiaowesley,
The message bellow does not mean debugger is not connected to a Unity. Moreover, this message is not related to Unity almost at all. It means that Rider cannot redirect a Unity process output. To find the Unity process output, see into the Unity tool window in Rider or go to the Unity console.
So, it seems that everything should be fine. Could you please try attaching Debugger to a Unity process again, then check the small green mark persist near the “bug” button and near the “unity” icon in the selected “Run Configuration”?

This green ball indicates that the debugger was successfully started. To check the work, put a breakpoint somewhere and make your game run the peace of the code with a breakpoint." Please, let me know if you managed to debug your game.
Kind regards,