Cannot debug - "Cannot detect dbgshim path for execute pat"




It may be caused by the fact I have removed (by accident) 2.0 and had to install 2.1 preview (18.04 ubuntu) but may be just because 2018.1 Nightly.

I can easily run and it works but I cannot debug at all.

Can anyone point me towards the solution?

Permanently deleted user

I get this error while I wanted to start debugging a dotnet core project version 2.1.300. I am using Rider 2018.1 on macOS High Sierra version 10.13.5 (17F77)

This is the solution that worked for me:

1- Build -> Clean Solution

2- File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...


Permanently deleted user

-- edit: Never mind: The solution is to explicitly clean the solution and build it again. After that I could debug again.


Since today I'm also experiencing this on a ASP.Net core solution under Linux (Arch linux):

Error running 'Default'
                    Cannot detect dbgshim path for execute path: /home/.../src/<solution name>/<project name>/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApplication1.dll, reason: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot detect dbgshim path for execute path: /home/.../src/<solution name>/<project name>/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApplication1.dll
                    at JetBrains.ReSharper.Host.Features.Debugger.DebuggerWorkerConnectionListener.GetDbgShimPath (JetBrains.DataFlow.Lifetime lifetime, System.String executeAssemblyPath) [0x00070] in <35023f502c9e4294a39bb746245c55f7>:0

dotnet --version gives 2.1.300


Permanently deleted user

As Marcel said, cleaning the solution solved the problem for me as well.

Permanently deleted user

I upgraded to .Net Core 2.1 SDK RC1 and running Rider 2018.1. Was able to debug fine last few days but today, I had this error. I updated to latest nightly 181.4379.1191 and issue is fixed. 

UPDATE: Experienced issue again today. I ended up rolling back to stable release. What appears to fix issue each and every time is to simply perform a Clean, then Build, then Debug.

Permanently deleted user

Rider is unusable in this state...

Permanently deleted user

It can't be debugged with netstandard 2.1 final.

Permanently deleted user

I've got the same issue unfortunately, I'm using the latest dot net core.

I've executed dotnet --version

dotnet --version

$ dotnet --list-sdks
2.1.300 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]

Going to file a bug report too.

Permanently deleted user

For me one of the following steps worked:

1. Go to the project folder.

2. Delete bin and object folders

3. run dotnet restore from comand line on the project folder

4 rebuild the solution

5 run on debug mode.

Permanently deleted user

The same misleading error message was shown to me when the problem was elsewhere: I did not have the current up-to-date .NET Core SDK installed on the machine. When I ran the solution using `dotnet run` from the console, a verbose error message was displayed and hinted to the real issue. After installing the current SDK, everything started to work fine.


It is caused by the missing 2.1 support. We have to wait... To be honest, because of that I've switched to VS + ReSharper...


Hi all,

Thanks for your feedback! We have fixed this issue recently, you can load the checked dev build with the fix here. Please let us know if your issues with Core 2.1 preview2 are fixed in this build. Thanks in advance!

Permanently deleted user

I have the same problem:

The error message

Cannot detect dbgshim path for execute path: /work/projects/Pantela/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/Pantela.dll, reason: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot detect dbgshim path for execute path: /work/projects/Pantela/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/Pantela.dll at JetBrains.ReSharper.Host.Features.Debugger.DebuggerWorkerConnectionListener.GetDbgShimPath (JetBrains.DataFlow.Lifetime lifetime, System.StringexecuteAssemblyPath) [0x00070] in 63925db73344423f84756557e5df4295>:0

In path


there is my

What to do?


Also having this issue - happy to upload logs and play with nightly releases in order to get this fixed. 

Permanently deleted user

Hi Julia, hi all

using .NET SDK 2.1.300-preview1-008174 with the fix is not working.

Upgrading to .NET SDK 2.1.300-preview2-008533 is doing the job.

Please publish it to the nightly build.

Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

I am running 2.1.300-preview1-008174 and it's all working fine for me and my team. 

Thank heaps!


Mayne92Radu Pop

Could you please reproduce the issue, collect the logs with "Help -> Compress log...", and attach them to the corresponding issue on YouTrack? Please also specify your Rider build and .NET Core version. Thanks!


This problem reoccurred after installing the latest macOS update. Unit tests can be debugged just fine but running project in debug mode results in the error above. Worked just fine prior the macOS update. Using the latest Rider version. Please help.

Permanently deleted user

I've just started getting this today. Was able to debug fine, restart computer and now am getting this.. ?

Permanently deleted user

This is happening to us on Windows with the final release of .NET Core 2.1.

It doesn't seem to happen in our Full .NET Framework project (targeted to ASP.NET Core 2.1) but it DOES happen to our .NET Core target.

Permanently deleted user

I'm also experiencing the same problem here.

Permanently deleted user

We encounter the same issue when we upgraded to dot net core SDK 2.1.301 from 2.1.300.


As per Petr, in my case it was because I didn't have 2.1.5 SDK installed - `dotnet run` gave a more complete error message.

It would be good if Rider was able to display this message.

Permanently deleted user

Since none of the solutions here worked for me, I found a solution that worked for me:


When I discovered all the installed .NET Core SDKs on my Windows Machine (via Add / Remove Progams), I found out that .NET Core 3.1 (which is the version that did not work with the debugger anymore) was installed multiple times (probably by visual studio etc.)

So what I did to get debugging working again:

1. Uninstalled Visual Studio

2. Uninstalled all .NET Core 3.X.X Versions of Runtime and/or SDK

3. Reinstalled a fresh .NET Core 3.X.X 

I also reinstalled Rider several times before, but I guess that is not really neccessary.


I hope this helps people facing the same problem!


I had this issue today, fixed it by going to "Add or Remove Programs" and checking my installed SDKs. I had .NET Core 3.1.0 and 3.1.2 installed. Uninstalled two 3.1.0 programs (SDK and Hosting) and debugging is working again.

Check your installed SDK as it seems there is a conflict if you have multiple versions installed. 


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