Referencing a WSDL service

Does anyone know how to reference a WSDL endpoint in Rider (and generate the associated classes etc.)? Is this supported? Basically, the equivalent of Visual Studio 2017 Add Service reference (when you right click on the reference).


Olgaboca Rider has the same functionality starting from version 2018.1. Right-click on the solution -> Add -> Add Web reference. Here you can find out more about what is supported regarding web references.

Hope this helps!


This is working on Rider for Windows. When I try on Rider on Mac, I got an error : "ThereWasAnErrorDownloading0".

Am I missing anything or this action is not supported on Mac version?

Thank you!!


This functionality appears to be missing for Linux!!! There is no option for "Add Web Reference"


Hi Jacob E Miles

What kind of project do you have? This option is for ASP projects only. 


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