Rider always shows "Irrelevant results" under Add Reference tab
I'm using Rider 2018.2.3, the project is ASP.NET Core 3 API.
I need to add reference to System.Web.dll but every time I try to add a reference I see this
Is it possible to make rider populate this dialog with system references?
It's a real butthurt to always navigate to the system references folder by hand
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Well, looks like it's netcore 2.1 which causes the problem
Hi Konstantin,
Thank you for the request.
System.Web.dll is a part of .net Framework. As I can see on the screenshot, you are trying to add a reference to .net core project. By default system references are displayed only for classic targets.
For example, if you add a net452 target into you csproj
and open "add reference" dialog or try add a reference to classic project, you will see system references
Also, the following topic could be useful https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40912473/can-system-web-be-used-with-asp-net-core-with-full-framework
Thanks! That was useful :)