Thanks for the request, however this time we are pretty busy stabilizing main Rider functionality for first release. Next minor step would be releasing the Rider SDK. And finally this will make possible porting TypeWriter to Rider plugin.

Permanently deleted user

There is still no Typewriter plugin for Rider. Are you consider porting original VS extension or was that left for community?


Hi Mateusz, 

here is the best description of the situation from my colleague:

Looks like using the TypeWriter plugin outside Visual Studio isn't currently possible because TypeWriter provides no CLI. The GitHub issue that requested making the plugin work outside Visual Studio, including in Rider, has been marked as duplicate of the CLI issue but that hasn't been addressed in any way AFAIK.
If and when CLI is provided, it should be possible to run it as part of the build process, including when building from Rider. The best way to know when it happens is to follow the GitHub issue on Typewriter CLI.

Whether or not a full-fledged Rider plugin can be provided is up to its maintainers but based on recent activity in the GitHub repository, this looks too far-fetched.


Is there an update on this?
I mean there is a CLI



Hi Robin! 

We cannot provide any update from our side; there is still no official Typewriter CLI support. The link you added is to a third-party plugin. You can use while it is compatible with Rider. 


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