Editing file properties - Copy to output directory
I have a .json configuration file that I would be copied to the output directory but not compiled.
In the context menu for the file I clicked Properties but none of them are editable.
Is there any way to enable this?
The properties menu looks like this:
The *.json file has a golden colour like this:
Windows 10 Creators Update (Latest)
JetBrains Rider EAP Version:
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We are about to publish new EAP build in couple of days, and in that new build "Build Action" and "Copy to output directory" are drop-downs.
For now you may press F4 on project in SolutionExplorer and edit Include manually.
These options are still disabled in 2017.1.1 - will be in next update or release?
I assume you are working on dotnetcore project?
Filed that https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-9335