Custom NuGet feed with credentials


We have a custom NuGet feed that requires credentials for access.  Is this supported by Rider?


that will be a critical item for me as well

Jura Gorohovsky

The answer varies depending on the method of authentication that you're using with NuGet.

Credentials defined via packageSourceCredentials should be supported in the current EAP build.

UI for basic auth is expected to be available in the next EAP build (end of May.. early June).

Authentication via API key will probably be missing in the initial release but we expect it to be implemented later this year.


How is this feature coming along? Is the basic UI auth in this new EAP release?

Jura Gorohovsky

Jesson, we had to leave basic auth out of Friday's EAP but looks like we'll be able to merge it into the next build which is expected this or next week.


I am running into this issue where Rider is not prompting me to Authenticate with my nuget package feed hosted by TFS?  This is resulting in a 401 unauthorized when Rider tries to download the package.  Is NTLM authentication available in Rider?


I have the same problem as Andy. When trying to restore packages from a custom package feed I get 401 error. I tried it both with and without login/password.


Andy, Ilya,

Does setting up a personal access token help, as suggested here?



Thank you, it worked!
It worth noticing that the token name goes into the "User" field and the token itself into the "Password" field when creating a package feed in Rider. Maybe JetBrains could add instructions on PAT authentication in the UI?


It turned out to be more complicated. I tried loading another project and it failed to pull some of the custom feed dependencies. I'm getting 401, although the error text in the logs is different and says "Error downloading 'package-name' from: 'https://properly-resolved-path/package-name1.0.0.nupkg'. 401 (Unauthorized)" By clicking on the resolved link I can download a .blob file (the browser has the cookie). Changing PAT didn't help.


Does the PAT have access to the feed and all other feeds referenced? The 401 seems to either mean wrong credentials, or an error passing the credentials on to the server.

Another one to check: the VSTS docs only mention PAT for V2 feeds (, perhaps worth checking you are not using V3.


I solved my problem by updating Rider to 2017.2. The feed is v3.


Any progress regarding this issue?


@Yacoubmassad What kind of issue are you facing specifically?


I am using a Nuget feed (v3) that is hosted in Visual Studio online.
I get 401 if I try to restore packages.


VSTS only supports basic auth using PAT tokens on V2 feeds - check for more info


Are you talking about what Rider supports or what is supported in VSTS?

I am not an expert with all of this terminology, but with VIsual Studio 2017 I am able to access the Nuget feed (in (which seems to me to be "V3") without an issue. I am not using any "PAT" tokens. I remember that to make it work I had to download and configure some credential provider.

My question is: Is there a feature related to connecting to certain Nuget feeds that is supported in Visual Studio 2017 but not in Rider? 

If there is, are you planning support for it?

If there is not, is there some documentation on how to connect to different types of feeds using Rider?





There is a feature request for it, but right now you will need to follow the VSTS documentations on using a V2 feed and creating a PAT (see

Your alternate credential and PAT token that are created following this URL, can be used to configure access to your VSTS feed in Rider.


Thanks. Where can I find this feature request?




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