How to display a vertical Scroll map?



Is there a ways to display a vertical scroll map like in other editor..?


Hi Quentin,

Yes, you can turn on "Show code lens on scrollbar hover" option in "File | Settings | Editor | General | Appearance" to enable lens mode.


Hi Julia,

This is not a map. It gives a preview of the code pointed by the mouse on the scrollbar, but is does not display the schema of the code.

But thanks for the answer.



You can use an extra plugin for that here's the link


@Lioner's link for the plugin works like a charm, thanks!


Hey, looks like CodeGlance is not compatible with IntelliJ 2023, do we have some new plugin in ecosystem?


Hi Tomek B

As I can see, there are  several similar CodeGlance plugins available. Feel free to choose which suits you the best. 


I could have sworn the “code glance” feature (code preview scroll) was included by default.. turns out I must've been thinking of VScode,  a far lighter tool yet even they include it by default.    

Is there a reason it's not?  You could even leave it off by default, I just don't like what I would consider “the basics” relied on by third party,  if I wanted that I would use.. vscode =^)


Hi david.james

It seems like you are describing a slightly different feature. The code preview on scroll hover is enabled by default. You can check if it is enabled for you in File | Settings | Editor | General | Appearance => Show code lens on scrollbar hover


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