Copy shortcut from Visual Studio (Mac OSX)
I really want to use Ridder instead of Visual Studio (OSX) for my Unity projects.
But it's very diffcult, after years on VS, to use new shortcuts.
Is there a way to "import" the shortcuts from VS to Ridders?
(I know we can switch in the Ridder preferences to Visual Studio shortcuts, but it's not the same I have...)
Thanks a lot for your help.
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Hi Anthony,
Unfortunately, there is no any way to import keyboard shortcuts from VisualStudio to RIder. But our keymap scheme should be close to it.
Could you please clarify which actions are not convenient for you or absent in Rider?
Kind regard,
Thanks for your answer.
CMD + SHIT + / to comment/uncomment multiple lines a the same time for exemple.
or worst : OPTION + SHIFT + L to do ||
just doesnt work..
Thank you for information.
I'm not sure that understand what OPTION + SHIFT + L should do. (|| what does it mean?) It also does not work in VS for mac in my case.
Please, clarify if I understand right that you need two different shortcuts for comment and uncomment? I've checked in VisualStudio for mac and the behavior is the same as in Rider.
You also can redefine any shortcut in File | Settings | Keymap.
OPTION + SHIFT + L is to do : ||
the OR
It's fundamental :(
For comment and uncomment, it doesn't work on my side on Ridder.
Can I share with you a video?
Could you please attach a screenshot of your settings page ->
Let's check if the keyboard shortcuts are set correctly.
You can also upload a video via form and let me know the exact file name.
Which keyboard layout do you use? English or sth else?
Here the screenshots.
When I do CMD + SHIT + / ======> it opens the help menu :
I have an apple keyboard with numpad.
Sorry : my keyboard is a FRENCH keyboard.
Any chance?
As a customer who paid for annual licence, I'm a little bit confused to not have any answer...
Hello Anthony!
Sorry for the delay in answer.
>When I do CMD + SHIT + / ======> it opens the help menu :
I've reproduced this behavior on Visual Studio keymap. For VisualStudio OSX this shortcut inserts block comments and opens Help.
I've created an issue and hope it will be fixed soon.
Generally, problems with French keyboard shortcuts are a consequence of this problem:
I used VS before of Rider, it works perfectly on VS.
The same for XCode, Android Studio ... it works.
And here : | <=== works too
Hello Anthony,
I've double checked
Comment block CMD + SHIFT + FORWARD SLASH (or Question mark) clashes with OSX key-mapping. Take a look at
To disable OSX key mapping just follow below steps:
- Click on Apple icon => System Preference => keyboard => shortcuts => App shortcuts=> uncheck show help menu
- After that go to the menu "File | Settings | Keymap", select "Visual Studio OSX" or "Visual Studio" Keymap and check if the problem persists.
About pipe (|) symbol: Rider has an action mapped to the "Alt + Shift + L" hotkey. To disable it please go to the menu "File | Settings | Keymap", press the "find button"
in the opened popup press "Alt + Shift + L" and then remove all mappings for the found actions (Right-click on an action -> Remove Alt + Shift + L)
I would be grateful if you let me know about the results.