Rider (.NET Core) & Webstorm (Angular) side by side - how to configure?



At the moment i use Rider to code a .Net Core 2-backend and Angular-frontend app. Backend and Frontend source is located in one solution folder.
Sometimes when Rider builds the Angular-app and there is an error the the javascript code - i noticed that building the same app with Webstorm - Webstorm shows me the better error message than Rider does.

So what i want to do is to use Rider for the .NET Core - part und Webstorm for the Angular part. I can do that but when my .NET Core project is build under Rider - Rider also builds every time the Angular project. But for that i will use Webstorm.

How can i configure the .NET Core-project under Rider in that way that Rider runs only the .NET-part and not also the Angular app?

Best regards,

1 comment


I found the solution how it works. :-)

Had to modify the Startup.cs-file and comment-out the "

app.UseSpa(spa =>


Best regards,


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