Debugging async call stack in Rider


Rider 2018.3.4, dotnet core 2.2

I can't figure out how to debug async stack in Rider. Rider only shows the last async method call for me in debugger, I cannot navigate to previous stack frames, I cannot figure out from where this method was called.

For example, I have a simple "Hello World" project like this

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

static async Task Method1(int i)
await Method2(i + 1);

static async Task Method2(int i)
await Method3(i + 2);

static async Task Method3(int i)
await Task.Delay(100);

And this is what Rider debugger is showing me if I put a breakpoint after "await Task.Delay(100)".

Interestingly, VSCode shows me what I expect and I can switch to previous stack frames in it:

Is it me doing something wrong or does Rider simply not support this? Does Rider have adding this feature in the Roadmap? It looks pretty basic and essential for productive work.


Really hope this gets addressed, personally feel it's a pretty essential feature of the debugger that's supported by competing IDEs, and even by other JetBrains products for different debuggers.



This request is in Upvoting state now. 

This means that we are currently evaluating demand for the issue and checking whether it requires complicated or risky changes. Please leave a vote or comment if you think it should be prioritized.

Thank you for your patience! 



Is there any update on this matter? Visual Studio has a Tasks view as well as a Threads view.


Hi Troy Garner

Tasks view window has not been implemented yet. Please upvote the request to show your interest! 


Gosh I am also incredibly surprised this doesn't exist! Is this being worked on?


I don't think you are doing anything wrong... it is very annoying!

I am disappointed no-one from Jetbrains has responded so I have created a bug:



Hello all. 

Please accept my apologies for not replying at the proper time. We appreciate for creating a YouTrack issue. Our team will take a look at your problem. 

Best Regards, 



I want to see this feature as well. Visual Studio's tasks debug window needs to be added.


Hi Umutcan15

Please upvote the mentioned issue. It helps us to understand the overall interest in features and prioritize them. 



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