Rider 2019.1.3 "cannot resolve View" when path is in subfolder



As shown in the screenshot, this is the original clone of nopcommerce https://github.com/nopSolutions/nopCommerce 

the view exists as shown on the left(highlighted file) but rider says cannot "cannot resolve view xxx". The project can be successfully built.

Any idea on this? Thanks! 

Permanently deleted user

I have this same problem.  Must be a bug.  Should a ticket be opened for this?


Hi all!

Could you please try to update Rider and then disable this inspection once or change its severity? Please let me know if it helps.

Permanently deleted user

That seems to work.  Thanks!

Edit:  Since I disabled the error, the error won't show up even if the path string truly is wrong, but this is good for now.


I'm having sort of the same issue

It doesn't happen in VS


Hi Chr4000

Thank you for contacting us.  Have you tried to disable inspection as it described above? 


Hello. Yes I have. And it works. 

But why is it an error with inspection enabled? Shouldn't it work, when it works fine i visual studio?


I'm not sure that your error has the same cause than the first one. 

We could analyze this situation but in this case, I need more details about it: 

 - what is your OS, version of RIder and type of project? 

 - could you reproduce this issue in a new project or it is specific? 

- is it possible for you to share your solution with us for analyzing it? 

Thank you in advance for answers. 


I'm using windows 10 64 bit (version 1909), and rider is 2019.3 EAP4 (was also present in 2019.2). The project is a .net core 3 MVC project.

I've seen it in a couple of solutions. but this one: https://github.com/skoruba/IdentityServer4.Admin/tree/dev shows the issue. 



I wasn't able to reproduce this on the mentioned solution, and I don't have any errors.

- Could you please try the latest EAP 6? 

- Have you added missing references? 

- What is your version of .net Core? 

Also, I couldn't find any .net Core 3.0 projects in the solution. Have you changed the target framework manually? 



The newest EAP seems to have fixed the issue with MVC atleast.

Blazor still fails. It says I have 18 errors, even though it works fine in VS


Anyway. The project I linked has to be the DEV branch. Then the project is a .net core 3 app (but it is not blazor, only MVC).



Thank you for your clarification. This is a known issue RSRP-473924 that has not been fixed yet. Feel free to follow it and vote to raise its priority. 


Hello all! 

Could you please try to update Rider to the latest 2019.3 and check if the problem persists? Thank you in advance. 


Hello Alexandra.

I have the same problem after update. Now it's 2019.3.1 and the problem still persists.


Hi Alexander, 

so I should ask you the same questions: 

 - what is your OS and type of project? 

 - what exactly error do you have? Could you attach a screenshot with it and with your Solution Explorer?  

 - could you reproduce this issue in a new project, or is it specific? 

- is it possible for you to share your solution with us for analyzing it? 

- could you suspend this inspection without build issues? If so, please, use this as a workaround. 

Thank you in advance for your answers. 

We still work on Blazor support and make it better each release; however, there is no full support yet. 


WOW. 3 years and same problem is still there...

nopcommerce out of the box and full with errors. 

Not a single error when opening in Visual Studio


Hi Netanauda

Unfortunately, this issue has not been scheduled yet, but we have a request in our backlog. Please follow it for updates. 



Alexandra Guk so what is solution then? I just tried to disable some of those errors, but there are hundreds of them lol. And not all is same. But in general i can not work with nopcommerce in Rider ? 


Is nopcommerce bad project ?


Hi Netanauda

Most of the errors are related to two inspections:

1. The `Unknown Razor layout` inspection from `File | Settings | Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | Razor => Potential code quality issue`.

2. The `MVC` group of inspections in `File | Settings | Editor | Inspection Settings | Inspection Severity | ASP.NET`. 


Change severity levels for these inspections to Hint/Suggestion. I hope this helps you to work with nopCommerce solution in Rider. 

From our side, we'll consider how to avoid such cases in the future. Please follow the mentioned issue for the updates. 

Should you have any other questions, feel free to ask. 


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