Rider 2019.2 unable to publist to Azure Web App


Just upgraded to rider 2019.2 and currently unable to publish to a web app getting the following error

"Required target 'WebPublish' was not found."

Have rolled back to 2019.1 for now and is working again, any ideas if im missing anything after updating (i uninstalled Azure tools and reinstalled as well but still no such luck)


Hi Thomas! Could you please after update check your MSBuild version in `File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolset and Build` and change it form Auto-Detect to another one? Seems like this problem: RIDER-30955 We'll fix it in the nearest update.


Facing the same problem.

Apparently, installing VS2019 community solves the problem.

Please fix that issue asap.


Hi Pierre! 

Could you please clarify your Rider version and details of the problem? What exactly error do you have, what is your version of MSBuild? The problem described in the main topic seems to be fixed in 2019.2.2


Hello Alexandra,
I'm using Rider 2019.2.2 build 192.6584.65
Originally installed on a new computer.


Hi Pierre, 

What exactly error do you have, what is your version of MSBuild? Could you please attach a screenshot where I could see the problem? 

Thank you in advance. 


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