How to view errors/warnings for the current file in Rider

Is there a convenient way to view errors/warnings for the current file?  The 'Errors in Solution' window does not seem to be able to just be scoped to the current file, and there doesn't also seem to be a button that takes you to the current file in this window.

I've also tried using the 'Inspect This' feature, but the results don't dynamically change as the file changes. There's also the highlighted sections in the scroll bar that can be moused over, but that is not really convenient; especially for lager files with multiple warnings and errors.

Ideally I would want an 'Autoscroll from source' feature in the 'Errors in Solution' window to complement the existing 'Autoscroll to source' button.

Permanently deleted user

This could be implemented as a filter in the solution inspector, in which one could choose the scope of inspections being displayed without having to re-run the inspection itself (ie Current File/Current directory/Current namespace/whole solution.


Thanks for your suggestion! There is a feature request in Rider issue tracker for implementing scopes in 'Errors in Solution' window. Please feel free to upvote:

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for the link, Julia Vaseva. This is pretty much what I was suggesting!


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