Backing up ".Rider2019.1" folder


My system is configured to make daily backups. At least once, an error occurred while processing a file under "C:\Users\USERNAME\.Rider2019.1\system\resharper-host\local\Transient\ReSharperHost\v191\SolutionCaches\".

I'm assuming a folder named "SolutionCaches" doesn't need to be backed up at all, and could be added to an exclusion list. However, that got me thinking about the ".Rider2019.1" folder itself. Is there anything under that folder that should be backed up? How about items that should NOT be backed up?

My initial thought was that perhaps ".Rider2019.1\config" should be backed up, but that ".Rider2019.1\system" should not.

I have my JetBrains account sync'd with Rider, and I believe settings (and plugins) are for the most part kept in sync. I do have a number of settings defined in solution DotSettings files, which are stored in version control.

1 comment

Hello Michael,

Indeed, the folder .RiderXXXX.X\system does not need to be backed up.

As for the config folder, "config/workspace" and "config/options" are better to be backed up as not all information from them are synced via the IDE Settings Sync plugin.


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