How to disable yellow debug arrow


I've noticed while debugging with breakpoints (specifically with Unity) often a yellow arrow accompanies your breakpoint. Sometimes I wish to disable a breakpoint, however no matter what I do the yellow arrow remains as a breakpoint even when all breakpoints are disabled. 

How do I stop this evil arrow?


Hello @...
The yellow arrow is a current execution pointer. When execution moves to another line, the arrow will also jump to it. Do you have the same behavior?

If so, why do you want the arrow icon not to display? If I've misunderstood, please describe the problem in more detail. Thank you!


The arrow displaying is fine, however my issue is that after I disable all breakpoints, the arrow remains, and I cannot step through code how I want. It seems there is no way to disable debugging breakpoints once you have started, because the yellow arrow will persist.

Does that make sense? I want to be able to have breakpoints, then delete them during runtime so that I don't hit the breakpoint every time. 


@... thanks for your reply. I'm still not sure that I understand what is happening. Could you please attach a screencast showing how it happens?

Thanks in advance!


I'll upload one as soon as I can, but this is what I would like to do:


1. Set breakpoint

2. Step through and debug

3. Disable breakpoints

4. Continue to test my game


This is what happens:

1. Set breakpoint

2. Step through and debug

3. Disable breakpoints

4. Yellow arrow continues to stop code execution even with all breakpoints disabled. I have to disconnect the debugger in order to play through the game normally.



@... unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. What Rider version do you use (Help | About)? Please try installing the latest R# 2019.3.1 if you haven't tried this before (

If the problem persists in 2019.3.1, then it'd be great to take a look at a sample solution for deeper investigation. Please use "Submit to request" button to send us a screencast/sample solution. Thanks in advance!


I have the same Problem with CLion.  Hugely, hugely annoying



 same Problem with CLion.  Hugely, hugely annoying


Chakpongchung please enable debugger logging as described here, reproduce the issue and send the resulting idea.log file (`Help | Show Log in ...`) to clion-support at Do not forget to disable debug logging after that. Note that logs might contain private user's information (like file paths and names). 


Hi! I experience same issue in CLion. Please see my screenshot.


Evgenya Stepyreva please enable debugger logging as described here, reproduce the issue and send the resulting idea.log file (`Help | Show Log in ...`) to clion-support at Do not forget to disable debug logging after that. Note that logs might contain private user's information (like file paths and names). 


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