"Cannot Resolve Symbol" - Rider, Windows, Unity, Resolve symbols between Assemblies
So, I opened my pet Unity project on my Windows box and because I've been using Rider at work on my Mac, I thought I would give it a go in Windows. However, I can't figure out why Rider can't resolve symbols.
Unity 2019.3 / Rider 2019.3
I imagine it must be the compiler configuration but none of the suggestions that I come across on the net thus far works. I open my project on my Mac and Rider resolves all the symbols just fine. The Unity project itself compiles and runs just fine in both Mac and Windows. It's definitely a rider config problem. i just have no idea what.
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Most likely, Rider was using an MSBuild version, which caused the red code issues. One can configure it via the settings
Please check the MSBuild version set there. If you need assistance, please share a screenshot of that page and collected logs (Help | Compress Logs and Show in Explorer).
Thank you for responding. I have tried changing my MSBuild version to a few different options including the 4.0 suggested by a few other google searches. Unfortinately to no avail. It doesn't seem work.
When I try and build in Rider, I also get the error:
Invalid option 'latest' for /langversion; must be ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5 or Default
I should also include my MSBuild list:
How did you open this project? From Unity?
If no, please, try the following:
1. Close Rider,
2. Open this project in Unity,
3. Set Rider as Unit external editor in Unity settings "Edit | Preferences | External Tools | External Script Editor"
4. Double-Click on a cs file in Unity and wait until the project was loaded in Rider.
Does the issue persist?
Yes, unfortunately, I am opening from Unity. As you can see:
and the Rider plugin is installed because it's generating the interface here:
In my packages, you can see the Rider Editor:
I understand that by opening through Unity, Unity generates the solution and project files and keeps them updated so I always open through Unity.
It's a weird problem.
I'm going to download a recent Unity Tutorial project and see if that has the same problem as my project.
The two projects I tried function. But Rider works with my project on my Mac. This is really odd.
Could you please share your project with us?
You may also try the following
1) update the RiderEditor package in Unity. In Unity Editor, go to the menu "Window | Package Manager," find "Rider Editor" there, and upgrade it.
2) then, please set the latest MSBuild (from VisualStudio 2019) in Rider settings:
3) check that the Assets/plugins folder does not contain Rider's doll. If it is there, please remove it.
4) then call the action in Rider: "File | Invalidate Caches / Restart > Invalidate and Restart".
If the issue persists after all, please share a screenshot with the error you see in the Rider Event Log tool window (View | Tool Windows | Event Log).
Then call the action in Rider: "File | Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and Restart".
Thank you in advance.
Delete all your .sln and .csproj files. Close Rider. In Unity, make sure Rider is set as your editor, and that you either check "Generate all .csproj files", or click the Regenerate Solution button. Then open one of your scripts in Unity to make Rider open. Once it opens it will regenerate the project, and hopefully everything works
help me for this two screen shot pls
Hi @Frankhtet1,
Could you please navigate to Image class via ctrl+click on <Im|age>() and check if this class contains color field?