No Rider IDE option in UE 4.26.1


hey @all

I just started to learn C++ coding in UE4 and wanted to switch from Visual Studio to Rider, however UE4 does not provide me the option

to pick Rider from the IDE list. Beside VS, VSCode and Clion there is no option for Rider, since the Rider plugin comes preinstalled and is

already active i have absolutely no idea what the problem could be ?


Ajk 3d Art, thanks for the update! Rider for Unreal Engine is in Early Preview, so it is currently free, and any user that fills in the survey below will receive a link to the installer:

You may also be interested in taking a look at frequently asked questions.

Please let me know about the results. Thank you!


That's great! Please let me know if the issue with choosing the default editor persists.


Everything works just fine, i can select Rider for Unreal from the UE4 Editor now. My learn project also loaded without any issues. Thanks a lot again for the support!


Thanks a lot! I just registred for the early preview.


You're always welcome! ;)


I have same issue but still not working.



Hello Ajk 3d Art,

Rider will be available as a source code editor only if the "Rider Integration" plugin in Unreal Engine is enabled. Do you have this plugin enabled in Edit | Plugins?


hey Maria,

Yes it was already enabled by default, i even tried to disable and enable it again... Sadly nothing nothing changed.


Ajk 3d Art,

Could you please describe how the engine was installed (via EGS or built from sources)?


The Engine was installed through the EPIC launcher, the Rider plugin was already preinstalled and activated. I also tried to reinstall/download the engine, sadly this also didn't worked out.


Ajk 3d Art,

Could you please attach a screenshot of Edit | Plugins where "rider" is used in the search?


Ajk 3d Art, thanks for the screenshot. What Rider version do you have installed: Rider or Rider for Unreal Engine? Please also attach Rider info from Help | About. Thanks in advance!


I had no idea about multiple Rider versions, the Rider version i have downlaoded is the only one avaiable in my license tab.

I downloaded it from here...


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