Rider incorrect detect handled and unhandled exceptions
I see a strange situation in Rider debugger. I have code:
using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fullname))
object r= bf.Deserialize(stream);
T result=null;
result = (T) r;//this is handled exeption
catch (Exception e)
result = (T) r;//this is unhandled exeption
//result = (T) r;//this is unhandled exeption
return result;
And I have screenshots with labels "handled" in both cases:
Why Rider detect this both cases as "handled"? Case inside catch block is unhandled, isn't it?
And second question: How to configure Rider for stop debugger only on unhandled exceptions in my code?
I have following options:
In Settings:
In Breakpoints window:
Thank you for your attention;
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Hi! Is it possible to share a full stack trace in the moment of InvalidCastException being thrown? You're probably handling it somewhere in your code. We also have a known issue that user-unhandled exception is marked as handled when there's an exception breakpoint (just like in your case). Repro project would help us a lot too. As for your question about stopping only on unhandled exceptions, you can disable 'Any exception' exception breakpoint.